We use cookies or similar tools on our sites to improve their performance and your experience. This policy explains how we do this.

Cookies (COOKIES): To ensure that our users / visitors receive the most relevant and up-to-date information, as well as the best services when visiting our website:, various information and data may to be collected through the use of the so-called Cookies. The goal is to improve the services we provide to our users / visitors and to make sure that they will easily find what they are looking for.

Visitors and users of the site are not obliged to agree to the use of cookies. The site can be used without this consent. However, the use of cookies will contribute to the better operation of the site, to the fuller use of all its functions easier and faster.

The cookies we use on are anonymous and do not contain any personal data.

What are cookies? Cookies are small data packets that are sent to the browser of users / visitors from a web server and stored on their device (computer and / or mobile device) so that the site can recognize the respective computer / mobile device.

There are two types of cookies: permanent and temporary ("session") cookies. Persistent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile device for an extended period of time. Session cookies are temporarily active on the device when visiting our site and disappear when the user / visitor closes the page. They are not stored permanently on the device.

Cookies are used by websites to distinguish and remember users who can be identified or anonymous, depending on whether or not they have an account on the site. However, the purpose of cookies is not to establish the identity of visitors / users. Cookies are completely under the control of visitors and users and they can delete them at any time, depending on the specific browser used.

Cookies identify a combination of computer and web browser. A person who uses several browsers and / or devices has a separate set of cookies for each device-browser combination. In this regard, cookies do not differentiate between multiple users sharing the same computer and browser, unless they use their own (individualizing) user profiles. There are different types of cookies according to the functions and specifics of the sites that use them.

Use of cookies from The use of cookies is associated with remembering the preferences of users / visitors of the site, for example in connection with the selected language, agreeing to the use of cookies. We use cookies for analysis and statistics on site visits.

We also use third-party cookies, which are managed by the respective sites, they are not controlled by us and we are not responsible for them. The third parties whose services we use and who use cookies are Google Analytics, Gemius Audience.

Delete cookies. Users / visitors of the site can delete the cookies stored on their device at any time. Some cookies can be turned off using the general settings of the user's / visitor's browser. For other cookies it is necessary to visit the relevant site and follow the instructions in this regard. You can choose whether or not to accept the use of cookies from a website. Your computer can be set to reject all cookies. If you want to know how to do this, visit Users and visitors should be aware that changes to the browser that disable the cookie function may prevent parts of from functioning properly.

Changes to our cookie policy. All changes to the Cookie Policy will be published on this website and will be available to all users of the site. All changes take effect immediately upon publication on the site.

How to turn off cookies? ll modern browsers allow you to change cookie settings. You can usually find these settings in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your browser. To be aware of these settings, the following links can help you or you can use the "Help" button on your browser's menus for more details:

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer

Cookie settings in Firefox

Cookie settings in Chrome

Cookie settings in Safari web and iOS.

If you are most concerned about third-party ad cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn them off here: Your Online Choices site.

Please remember that if you decide to stop cookies, some sections of our site may not work properly

Does SIKO Trans use cookies that contain my personal data? НеNo, the cookies we use are anonymous and do not contain any personal data.

More information. More information on how businesses use cookies is available at:

For any questions regarding this Cookie Policy, you can contact us at the email address:, or at the postal address Sofia 1528, 27 Nedelcho Bonchev Str., NPZ Iskar. As email communication is not always secure, do not share sensitive email information with us.

С натискането на бутона "Приемам всички бисквитки" се съгласявате със съхраняването на бисквитки на вашето устройство с цел подобряване на навигацията в сайта, анализиране на използването му и подпомагане на нашите маркетингови усилия. Вижте нашата Политика за поверителност за повече информация.